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About the Author / Artist

 Name  Sarah Ellerton
 Birthday  27th September
 Home  Australia
 Last Movie I Saw  Hero
 Next Movie I'll See  The Incredibles
 Best Movie Ever  Lord of the Rings
 Last DVD I Bought  X-Files Season 4
 Next DVD I'll Buy  X-Files Season 5
 Last Game I Bought  The Sims 2
 Next Game I'll Buy  LotR: The Third Age
 Best Games Ever  Final Fantasy X / KotOR

Genuine FAQ

Q: Will you write another graphic novel after Inverloch?
A: Currently the answer is yes, though I can't predict if I'll be sick of drawing by the time this is over. It won't be a direct sequel. Different world, different characters. It may not even be fantasy. Perhaps I'll tackle the shoujo genre next ^_^

Q: How often do you update?
A: It says it on the front page, yet people still ask. I update almost every single week with a new scene. A scene is usually between 6 and 15 pages, although some chapters will have a single, 30 page scene.

Q: How do you find the time to update so much!?
A: No social life.

Q: Can I use your characters in my story / RPG Campaign / comic?
A: Everything is fine as long as it is for personal, non-profit use, and you MUST have credit where credit is due and link back to this site.

Q: Can I use one of your character illustrations to represent a different character?
A: No. And no exceptions - I don't want any Inverloch character pics associated with somebody else's character. That's like having a picture of Micky Mouse and saying "Here is Rodney Rat, my story character."

Q: How do you create the pages?
A: Characters are sketched on paper, scanned, outlined and coloured in Adobe Photoshop. Backgrounds are painted in Corel Painter. Fonts are from Blambot.

Q: Where is the action/excitement? Your comic is boring!
A: I'm an artist, not a writer. I made a lot of judgement errors when writing the script. The first two volumes develop the characters, set up the story, and work as a foundation for the action, fighting, drama, and intrigue beginning in volume 3. Inverloch isn't really an 'instant gratification' story - it works best as a whole. Which doesn't tend to work well for gradually updated web comics.

Q: Do you have IM/ICQ/MSN Messenger?
A: Yes, but you can't have my number. The only place I use the internet is at university, where I am too busy studying to talk to people. Don't take it personally! Good grades are important too ^_^

Q: Are you going to get this published?
A: Quite possibly, though I won't go into full details about the deal here. Once publication is 100% certain, I'll let everyone know.

All content copyright Sarah Ellerton. No use without permission. Hosted on Keenspace, a free hosting and automation service for webcomics.